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Causes of thinning hair in women
Hereditary trait, a consequence of stress or a reaction to hormonal restructuring after childbirth - the reasons why the hair suddenly change its s...

Olio di argan: 4 motivi per usarlo sui capelli
L'olio di Argan è una meraviglia della natura, oltre ad essere uno degli oli più rari e preziosi. Viene estratto dalla spremitura dei semi - che as...

Keratin Treatment for hair 101
Keratin treatments gain popularity — people claim they are a fantastic way to make a dull hair shiny again, to defrizz it and to stop it from absor...

Muds and health - how it works
About a hundred years ago there wasn't much choice in pharmacies (well, at least they sold coke drinks) for people with skin conditions, neural dam...

5 reasons why your hair doesn't look perfect
What affects the quality of curls and how to correct the situation? Sunglasses on the hair In addition to the fact that stylists question the aesth...

Olio di ricino per capelli: un uso efficace!
Per far sì che i capelli non perdano la loro forza naturale e la loro sana lucentezza, sono necessarie procedure di profilassi con prodotti special...

Hair mask - why do you need it?
Hair mask is a product for hair care, which is very popular among girls and women. And this is no accident. Under the influence of negative environ...

Skin types: how to determine and care yours
Skin is one of the main indicators of health, and it shows just how much a woman takes care of herself. For that reason alone, no amount of makeup ...

Come utilizzare correttamente l'olio di cocco per i capelli?
Capelli belli, lisci, sani e lucenti: è il sogno della maggior parte della bella metà dell'umanità. In questo articolo vi raccontiamo le proprietà ...

What is serum and how is it used?
Serum. For many girls it is a cryptic and incomprehensible word. A few years ago serum, or serum or vial as it may be, was used only in beauty salo...

Castor oil for hair: effective use!
To ensure that hair does not lose its natural strength and healthy shine, prophylactic procedures using special, time-tested products are necessary...

Olio di ricino: dalla natura un toccosano per la salute e la bellezza di capelli e la pelle
L'olio di ricino deriva dalla spremitura dei semi della pianta Ricinus communis, originaria delle zone tropicali dell'Africa e dell'Asia. In cosmet...